Vote for Your Voice

Amendment 78, Custodial Fund. Vote Yes, more oversight by you!

Prop 119: Vote No, marijuana usage levels are projected to decrease, and thus funding will be here then gone, just expands getting the funds from somewhere else, but your money for sure.

Prop 120: Vote Yes. Reduce property tax rates, and keep the surplus. Nothing wrong with this idea!

Denver 2A-2E: Vote No. More bonds for things the city should have escrowed for and used the money for other things. This will radically increase the cost of housing.

Denver 2F: Vote Yes! City Council wants to increase residential density by up to 150%. Already strained city services, parks and trash. Traffic is now worse than LA! And putting incarceration facilities next to schools is a bad idea no matter the intention. And in significant polling before the council vote, 88% were opposed, only 12% of comments wanted this. Who are they listening to, the developers? Hmmmmnnnn….

2G: Vote No, Independent Monitory Expansion. Simply allows for monitor activity to be politically motivated, no accountability compared to current system.

300: Vote Not So Fast, Pandemic Research Fund. Marijuana levels are projected to decrease, and thus funding will be here then gone, just expands getting the money some were else. Tax grab without request from beneficiary, and no accountability.

Denver Initiated 301: Vote Yes. Denver is already 67% behind on parks and open space compared to similar cities, leading to less mental health and recreation.

Denver 302: Vote Yes. Give Park Hill a say in the golf course property before it becomes 2100 apartments we don’t want or need.

303: Vote No. Homeless Camp Funding. Paid for by DARK money, this establishes homeless camps around the city with no oversight for the $27 million out of your pocket and no way out for the participants. How does this help?

304: Vote Yes, Sales Tax Cap. Denver keeps running a surplus, but now they want more of your money and without your consent? No!

Initiative Mushroom 301, Vote No, Mushroom Initiative. Already enough high drivers and cyclists without adding to the problems. Mental impairment from even small amounts of these mushrooms is a cause of accidents and worse.

Denver School Board

Director at Large: Marla Benavides, strong advocate for literacy.

Director, District 2: Karolina Villagrana, an educator and school leader with great perspective.

Director, District 3: Mike DeGuire, he really understands funding issues.

Director, District 4: Gene Fashaw, because he gets the importance of science.

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