Urban Density Destroys QOL

Commentary by D. Martinez

QOL is Quality of Life. It is why many of us live here.

Well, thanks to the mayor, city council and the lack of planning department, you can bid farewell to QOL. The reason: they want to ramp up density. WhY? Might be votes, but more likely some hidden, financial agenda, we simply don’t know.

Every time something get’s re-built, the developers make oodles through often hidden, and lucrative arrangements with the city. Many would argue that this is not in the best interest of the city, but in someone’s pocketbook. And since meetings don’t have full disclosure and record until it is officially on the city agenda in some way, you and I don’t know behind the scenes negotiations and agreements.

In general, opposing re-development that increases density is a good idea. The reasons? Tax subsidies that you pay for, not the developer are reason one. Increased strain on city resources like roads, water, sewer, and schools. And then there is traffic. Denver is now #3 in worst traffic in the U.S. Each of these density bumps strains resources and downgrades QOL. What used to take you a 17 minute drive is now 41 minutes. Isn’t density wonderful?

Oh, then there is the argument to put in affordable housing and retail. First, Denver has built approximately 40,250 apartments in the last two years and we need more lower-cost options? More traffic nightmares in any neighborhood that are not needed. Why? The answer is:

  • federal tax credits through CHFA (if DHA is involved as a limited partner, can also qualify for no local property tax assessment);
  • state tax credits through CHFA ( if DHA is involved as a limited partner, can also qualify for no local property tax assessment);
  • urban renewal tax incremental funding (TIF), which diverts regular taxes (including school taxes) to developer for 25 yrs, through DURA and approved by City Council;
  • metropolitan district additional tax overlay through the Colorado Department of Local Affairs and approved by City Council;
  • cash incentives through Denver Revised Municipal Code Chapter 27 and approved by City Council;
  • and, from reading the code and documents, most importantly if any part of the project meets these guidelines, the entire property is tax-exempt! (which has all sorts of $$$ implications for you as a resident).

They are not doing this out of love for the neighborhood, it is a serious herd of cash cows. Like more retail is what we need with everyone using Amazon. Who thought this was a good idea? Look at how many retail spaces have sat vacant for over a year and more.

The most important reason to vote and protest against these things is they destroy open space. The parks in Denver have taken a hit, and there is less open space with each one of these. Research shows that open space and parks are key to mental health. Wonder why people are driving like they are crazy? Maybe there is no green-space place to relax and see a tree close to home.

It does not take a rocket designer to know that mental health relates directly to suicide risk.

Take action and oppose increases in Density.

One of the latest attempts at this is the YMCA on Colorado Blvd. trying to sell the have a developer put in housing and retail. Just what we need, more traffic on Colorado Blvd! Why not just re-vamp the parking and make a park that the members and the community can use? Makes sense if the YMCA is really about the community. However, makes you wonder their goals and what they are making out of the deal. The Euros have the right idea with this.

And remember, just because the council minions and planning bureaucracy want it, that should make you suspicious. Seems like a bit of “we are the professionals, we know what is best for you, just comply…”

Make this a water-shed moment on development. Take action, say no. Until it is done, it can be stopped! Call the YMCA, call Channel 7.

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